
Every accomplishment starts with a decision to try.

Coding QA Podcast Launched!

It is my pleasure to announce to you the official launch of the Coding QA Podcast. Federico and I have been working on this for several months and have already released four shows with a fifth waiting to be edited.  Coding QA is a weekly show about testing from the trenches. Federico and I are members of the ASP.NET QA team, and in this podcast we share our views about everything that has to do... more

ASP.NET QA Podcast – Episode 4

In the fourth installment of the ASP.NET QA Podcast Federico and Matthew discuss “The Good,” “The Bad,” and “The Ugly” of the history of the ASP.NET QA Team. Discussion ranges from the dark ages, to the renaissance, to the industrial revolution, to the “21st and half century”.  Join them as they discuss the lessons learned and how the team has improved over time. more

Lightweight Test Automation Framework April Release

The April release of the Lightweight Test Automation Framework for ASP.NET has just been posted and you can download it here. For this release, the team has worked hard to include the following bug fixes and new features. Please continue to give us your feedback as many of the fixes and features are based what we have heard from the community. more

ASP.NET QA Podcast – Episode 3

Download : Episode 3 In the third installment of the ASP.NET QA Podcast Federico and Matthew interview Mark Berryman, a test lead on the ASP.NET QA Team.  Join them as they learn the ins and outs of test management through Mark’s eyes. Release of the Mobile Browser Database by Live Dublin. April refresh of the Lightweight Test Automation Framework. Interview with Mark Berryman. What is the difference between Test Manager and Test Lead. A little... more

ASP.NET QA Podcast – Episode 2

In the second installment of the ASP.NET QA Podcast Federico and Matthew discuss MIX 09 announcements and the ins and outs of supporting various browser versions on the ASP.NET QA team. MIX 09 Conference announcements MVC RTM 1.0 Silverlight 3.0 Web Application Installer Web Application Gallery What browsers the team tests on and how they decided which browsers to test. What it means when the team says they support a browser. How the team manages... more