
Unfortunately, I do not have much time to write anymore and this is really here for archival purposes. However, I do write occasionally and you can find my latest posts here.

August 4, 2017

Distributed Team Tip Time Zones

Most remote teams by nature are widely geographically located. This means that they are likely spread across many time zones. It’s important that when messages are sent, calls are made, or meetings are scheduled that everyone considers the time of day for the other team members.

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July 14, 2017

Distributed Team Tip Webcams

Now that I’ve been working in a distributed team for over a year I felt that I could start sharing some of my insights that have helped me start productive and engaged with the team.

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July 5, 2017

Joining Conga

Today I’d like to announce that I’ve joined Conga. I will be focused on improving the UI/UX and making their breadth of product offerings feel more like on cohesive unit.

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January 26, 2016

Making A Fallout 4 Prop

I've always be interested in models / prop / knick knacks I was just never really pursued this interest much. Recently I have been watching several YouTube series that cover prop making and weather. It has really been very interesting to me, perhaps it is the attention to detail and getting the prop just right. Never the less I decided that I wanted to try my hand at making a prop. I deiced to start with something very simple, not many shapes or parts, and so I settled on the mini nuke from Fallout 4.

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September 4, 2015

Announcing Uppercut.js

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May 20, 2015

Creating a custom power supply for a Printrbot

Recently we acquired a printrbot metal plus 3D printer at the CenturyLink Cloud office (we have a small group of makers here). I wanted to add a heated bed but this upgrade requires more current than the default laptop style power supply that was supplied.

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December 6, 2013

Using Multiple Backgrounds for Animated Icons

See how you can use multiple CSS backgrounds to create a small neat loading animation.

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March 10, 2013

Knockout.js Trackable Observable

Trackable Observable is a knockout.js utility.

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February 28, 2013

JSHint Visual Studio Error Formatter

How to get JSHint to output Visual Studio aware error messages.

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February 27, 2013

Knockout.js Widget Binding

A custom knockout binding for jQuery UI widgets

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